Fountains of Wayne Memories/Shows

Misc. commentary regarding Fountains of Wayne as collected on the blog Little Squaw. I talk about them a lot. In all fairness, Gilly should have his own blog as well.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

UGH UGH nose is so red and so stuffy I could cry. I spent half the day gaping like a guppy. Literally being a "mouth breather" an insult to say the least. I stayed in my office for much of the day, blowing my nose and then sanitizing my hands. I don't want to be accused of giving anyone a cold. And they will accuse. Trust me. Everyone in the office is sniffling and coughing. It's like a big germ factory. I can't get out of there soon enough for the holiday.
The ride home on the bus started off very that a word? First I sit in my seat (left side next to the window)...then a guy sits in front of me and puts his seat waaaaay back and pins me in. So I move to another seat and a couple of rows back. I slightly tilt my seat and it won't move. The guy behind me is holding it up with his knees! So I move again and I sit on an aisle. Immediately the a guy sits down and cranks back his seat. I couldn't help it I let out a HUGE sigh. I didn't have it in me to move again. Then I had to ration my tissues carefully to make it all the way home without an incident which is a lovely image I am sure.
I took the back way home from the park and ride not only because it avoids traffic at a light, but it also affords me the opportunity to drive by lots of houses and check out the lights. And that is a prime example of the duality of my personality. Everything which provides pleasure should also be productive and vice versa. God bless all those people who decorate their houses with colored lights. If you can't have colored lights at Christmas then when can you? White light should only be used for outlining deer/animals and simulating snow. Harumph. I am an old fashioned girl to say the least when it comes to somethings. Gilly is really unimpressed with all the inflated holiday decorations we're seeing on front lawns, such as snowmen, Santa, and Homer Simpson, etc...I am a bit partial to the polar bear holding the baby polar bear aahhhhh. But Gill insists that next year we're going old school with big old fashioned three feet tall light up candles flanking the front door.
A couple of rants. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM POTTERY BARN OVER THE PHONE OR ONLINE! If you value your sanity that is. Here's the story (the story of my life as it is)...we needed Christmas stockings. We finally have our own mantle and we need stocking to hang by the chimney with care. So I figure now is the time get the stockings we always wanted. We both have older brothers. Bigger older brothers. First born older brothers. So they always had bigger and better. Bigger stockings. Bigger Easter baskets. Bigger bikes. You get the picture. Well the way I look at it, now is the time for us to live large in a big way. And I think Christmas stockings are a good place to start. So I order us customized stockings from Pottery Barn. Classic and cute, Gill's being red velvet with a green cuff and his name on it. Edgar and Freddy get little red booties with green cuffs (literally they look like Elf booties!) with their names on them. And me being me I order a red stocking that says, "I've been very very very good" on one side and "I've been very very very naughty" on the other side plus with my name on the green cuff on the good side. I figure this opens the door for all sorts of hijinks in the future. I.E. Gilly turning the stocking around to say naughty etc...Plus Gilly says I always have to be different so of course my stocking would be different. I also tend to believe that I always get the last word so that stocking says it all. Plus we ordered stocking holders which spell out NOEL. That lends it's self to Gilly's brother's habit of turning NOEL into LEON. Like he does with some of the decorations that they grew up with. Anyway, I order well in advance of the holiday. The box arrives no NOEL and all the stocking are right except mine doesn't have my name on it. Yup. That's the story of my life. Always plans the party and wraps the gifts yet goes home empty handed. It's my lot in life. I also have very shiny hair and a cute husband. My lot could be a hell of a lot worse. So two irate phone calls later they tell me NOEL will be here ASAP and the new stocking will be here the 22nd! 22nd! That's what I get for ordering early huh? So then we get an online survey regarding our service and I tell them that I will never order from them again because I don't feel that they expedited the service to our satisfaction. So yesterday we get a voicemail with something about the order being complete and they're sending us a $50 gift card to make it up to us. Complete? And me with out a stocking? I think not. So I call today and tell me that there is no mention of a new stocking. Then I ask for a supervisor. Then the supervisor tells me, "Ohhhh, that order was never submitted. I'll do that now you'll have it on the 24th." And they are going to credit us the cost. YEAH RIGHT. I'll believe it when I see it. Again, I will not order from them again. Though I am hoping that they send us that gift card. I know, I know, but come on I've spent a lot of time on the phone with these people.
And last but not least...and here's where my geeky science fiction, fantasy self comes out...I do not believe that Frodo and Sam Wise are gay. Have you heard this? Apparently it's the latest theory. Don't even get me started on the Harry Potter is gay theory...but anyway...Frodo and Sam Wise are not gay. Hobbits have little or no sexual characteristics if you ask me. They are pretty much asexual. Sam and Frodo's relationship is just a strong example of loyalty and innocence. HARRUMPH...In the same review which floated this theory in front of my eyes, the guy was talking about all the plot flaws in the film. But the film is pretty much sticking to the actual novel and he's all sort of conflicted because he claims to be a fan of the "book" yes book it was on book that the publisher split into three can a fan of the book claim that these films diverge from it? He's ranting all about Tree Beard and battles etc...but they are all in the damn book. Some people can't leave well enough alone. Why must people take it upon themselves to hate/ruin everything that other people like, just because it's popular with the masses? It's just like those poor poor boy bands. Who cares if they are pure cotton candy fluff. Would you rather the pre-teen set sit in the basement shooting up? Let them admire boys with funny hair cuts and a yen for synthetic material as long they like. They'll grow out of it and if they don't who cares? Who really cares? If I had a nickel for every time someone said, "WHO?" or "WHY?" when they asked me who my favorite band was. That is since 1996 and pre-"Stacy's Mom." Now they just say, "Oh yeah, I love that song!" And they think that they are a new band. GRRR. That's hardly the best Fountains of Wayne song, but I'd rather them have fans that are dope and be successful then have them grow tired, poor and stop making music.
Okay I'm done.
Time to get ready for bed and watch "Rich Girls." Is there something wrong with that?

Sunday, December 14, 2003

And it's been a long December and there's reason to believe
Maybe this year will be better than the last
 I can't remember all the times I tried to tell my myself
To hold on to these moments as they pass...
-The Counting Crows "Long December"
 I can barely lift my fingers or my toes. Very long night having gone to visit Gil's parents and bring home more wedding shower booty. It's like Christmas in December...ugh...well that doesn't work now does it?
Listening to Fountains of Wayne Live CD I just bought on E-Bay...which I subjected Gilly to on the way to his parents. I was listening carefully for witty banter between songs. There wasn't much though I do suspect a lot of was edited out due to the odd jumps between tracks. 1997 and they were performing "Troubled Times" hmmmm, and yet it didn't show up on an album until "Utopia Parkway" no wonder there is so much extra material floating around out there.
Lot's of snow and rain. Being stubborn or just plain stupid I took it upon myself to shovel 1/2 the very long driveway myself, though admittedly I am quite pleased when I look at my side of the house! :) The living room is full of piney goodness and I'm waiting for Gilly to come down from finishing painting the bedroom to put the lights on the tree. This is the biggest tree I've ever had. 7 feet tall and about 4.5 feet wide maybe 5 I can't really tell. It's about average for Gil, his father being a big believer in very large trees. YIPPEE! I married a man who comes from good stock I did.

Saturday, December 13, 2003

Baby please leave the biker Leave the biker Break his heart...
-Fountains of Wayne "Leave the Biker"
Okay kids, settle in. It's going to be a very long ride...
NOTE: This post has been edited. I wrote the first version and came back on the site to read it later and well, I sounded extremely bitchy. It must be a result of the head cold which is currently bouncing around between my ears. Either that or well, I could just have been feeling bitchy and superior. Now that I think about it there were more swears than I would normally type plus a lot of exclamation points so I've removed most of them as well. I sounded really obsessive which I am not normally. In actuality I was just really really happy/surprised by the experience I had. I've also noticed that I seem to be slagging on Adam a bit. But just to be fair, I think it's because subconsciously I think I just get irritated that he never seems fully engaged. After I interviewed him I was just really impressed with how nice he was and how sincere he seemed, but the couple of times I've seen him since he always appears distracted if you even just say hello. In reality I really know that I am projecting my theories to suit my needs. It doesn't really matter because I should just enjoy the complete package and be happy that there's actually a band/something in the world that brings me such pure unadulterated joy. I'm going to leave it at that and let the fates collide (or allow a strong will or two to bump into each other ). Which ever comes first.
RE: Last official Fountains of Wayne show of 2003So if you've been keeping up Thursday was one major night of debauchery and I was coming down in a big way on Friday morning. However I was excited about the fact that I going to see Fountains of Wayne that evening. Now, I was originally going to wear my 29 licks shirt but I had left it at work the day before (it was one of my party options) so I said forget it I'll wear my "LEAVE THE BIKER" shirt. What is my "LEAVE THE BIKER" shirt? Well it's one of the Fountains of Wayne shirts that I made this summer in response to their lack of cute girl shirts that would fit a girl with my chest. I think I've said it here before. The only shirts they sell are way too small and I might get arrested and or accosted if I even thought about leaving the house in one. Okay, the accosted before leaving the house in one is a given (did you not read yesterday's "Milk Shake" comment?) Anyway I made some shirts this summer and it took me forever to decide what relevant Fountains of Wayne messaging to put on them. I settled on one "California Sex Lawyer" which is a very old b-side that I thought was vague enough and "LEAVE THE BIKER" which is one of their first singles. It's red (kind of going with the first album's color scheme) and it has very cool three dimensional white fuzzyish letters on it. So I wore it to the Central Park Blast Off concert in August and nobody I saw there knew what it meant (not a good sign for the band). One of my co-workers asked me what it meant and I said, "It means that you're staring at my chest." (The letters fall right on top of my chest right before the crest)....anyway...I wore it to work yesterday and it was certainly a pick me up. Why so much t-shirt commentary? Because this particular t-shirt helped to take my Fountains of Wayne fandom to a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL...of course making it was also one of the things that Gil told me sent me over the "fan" title to the "psycho fan" side. I guess making your own t-shirts is over the top? I think not in my book. I think it's one of the most sincerest forms of flattery anyway...
So I made it through work with the intent to catch a 4:15PM bus and meet my Fountains of Wayne Buddy, further to be known as "MC G" at the venue. The bus got stuck in sooooo much traffic. I just knew it was going to be a doozy of a night. MC G and I spoke on the phone and decided to meet at my house...but I didn't get home until 6PM !!! The doors were to open at 7PM!!! By the time MC G got to my house I was prepped to go (washed my face, checked messages, fed the monkeys, etc...). Let me start by telling you that I am working on being less "scheduled" so I was trying not to get worried or rushed. I was also making an effort to not be snippy and just enjoy the crazyness of it all. We jumped in the car and off we went. Straight into a cluster of traffic. I should preface the story of our trip with the fact that Gilly, MC G and I have spent many a night roaming about endlessly. Many of the most exciting of those nights were spent in London and/or Paris during the balmy summer of 2000. One of which had an ending which involved us staring at the apartment security monitor in a daze as we waited for the pizza guy. Do you know how hard it is to get a pizza delivered in London (Fulham) after 12PM??? Back to Jersey we're in the car. I am telling him that I have a few topics of conversations which might be useful should we have the opportunity to engage Chris in such a conversation. Which in retrospect sounds a wee bit obsessive, but in reality was kind of like planning for a job interview or a date. I was thinking that he should remember me given the last conversation we had right? I mean we did have a moment or sorts. So that opens the door to another right? Anyway, we're in the car. Stuck in traffic and going over how much music sucks these days and how much our various co-workers torture us with their dribble during the day. I go on to talk about how I am tired of people asking me to make my "best of" list for 2003. To be honest I haven't been impressed this year (or in many). I've kind of slipped into the habit of revisiting old favorites or exploring old favorites even further. I was really only waiting for two albums to come out in 2003. Liz Phair and Fountains. So Liz Phair disappointed me but I've grown to enjoy it's quirks and well Fountains of Wayne...I have yet to be seriously disappointed by them by anything. Okay, maybe that's a lie. Maybe they've broken my heart a million times by never acknowledging me at the 15 plus shows that I've been to. I would have hoped I would look familiar by now. Oh, now I am sad...anyway moving along. We both had directions to the venue "The Starlight Lounge" which for the record used to be the "Hunka Bunka Ballroom" a guido dance palace frequented by the Alize crew. I'd been there once for a night of dancing. Very crazy dancing (sans alcohol)...Anyway...So we each have a set of directions. Mine are from their website and his are from Map Quest. Both sources are idiots let me tell you. IDIOTS. We called the venue while on the road because MC G wanted to ask when they were going on. Which I predicted would be a mistake because since we were late they were probably going to play at like 7:15PM. So he calls and I tell him, "Tell them we're from ***and we're coming down from the city!" So he calls and guess what? They weren't going on until 11PM! Okay, let me start by saying this. I always thinks it's shitty for a venue to give out call times if only because they are screwing the opening acts. The whole point of being an opening act for a national artist is to attempt to get new fans and if you give said fans the info they need to avoid seeing the opening act then they are basically screwed...So to make this shorter. Both sets of directions SUCKED. We got lost but we were in good spirits 'cause we knew were weren't going to miss them and this gave us time to get something to eat before the show...we were stuck in the seven levels of hell. The Sayreville area is kind of industrial and while I am not insulting it (my Dad is from the area), well it can get sketchy in a Polish Mafia meets Puerto Rico kind of way these days. "These Days"...Sigh...Anyway we got stuck in what we determined was the South Amboy Circle. I wasn't too worried because the last time my dad was down we were on the very same circle so I was slightly familiar with the area. Worst case scenario was that I could probably take MC G to see where my maternal grandfather is buried (off topic-my dad took us to show us where our grandfather was buried which I was thankful for because having grown up in Maine that area of New Jersey was unfamiliar and how would I ever be able to visit if I didn't know where it was?) continuing...So we're going through the circle and each time we make a loop I say, "Big Ben...Parliament...Hunka Bunka Ballroom..."And giggle...Giggling was a good sign...We kept trying variations of the directions and ended up here there and everywhere. We at one point stopped for gas and I called Gil who of course didn't have his cell on so I had to call his dinner date on his cell (I am the keeper of numbers...If I ever lose my cell I too will be screwed...much like an opening act...). Well I touched base with my beloved and assured him that we were okay, in good spirits and I would call him later. We ask the gas attendant for directions and he doesn't know nothing 'bout nothing. He was very nice though and I thank him for that. No directions are better than wrong directions. So we keep driving and we end up in a development and we hear Adam on the radio and we're like, "He's not even at the venue yet!!! He's totally in a car on his way down from the city...We know it!" The DJ was asking questions that were very stupid...etc...MC G moans about being hungry and eats some of the Doritos I brought for just that reason...I threaten him not to rub his cheesy fingers on my leather, etc...We're laughing the whole time. It felt like High School all over again...Creeping down dark roads driving really slow with our necks stretched trying to read street signs. We comment that while NYC audiences are sometimes a pain, at least you can always find the club...Thank God that I remembered the Starlight was located on a rather desolate road and it had a massive parking lot. Somehow we find it. It's in the middle of East Jabib...So we see that the lot is filling up rather quickly, but now that we know where it is we can go find something to eat. I comment that this is the kind of road where the mob dumps bodies. No lights and no questions asked. We end up in small pizza joint about which MC G later said, "Not to be rude, but that pizza really sucked." to which I responded, "Funny, well you didn't say that when you were eating three pieces!" Tee really was like High School except we had a much better car, more money, no curfew and cell phones. Again we had each other as well and considering we didn't go to High School together or even in the same state for that matter then I guess that made it strikingly similar yet, nothing like High School at all.
Did I mention that I am very tired this morning having gone to bed at 2:30AM?
So, we eat and then we make it back to the club. Now we park and as we're parking we see car loads of people loading in. This was an "ALL AGES SHOW." But even still we were surprised to see the 5 year olds and 60 year olds rolling in. I kid you not. It was also a benefit for a local food bank which we realized too late and thus had no food. Those charitable organization folks are mighty aggressive in a "Hey y'all come on over and give me some dough and I'll give you a really useless trinket like a beach ball with the name of a radio station you'll never listen to on it..." We gave them some cash. And on the way in an older guy in an ugly t-shirt and a flannel said, to me..."Nice shirt...Leave the Biker...Har..Har...Har..." Okay, this was not a good sign. Either he was completely oblivious of the meaning or he knew exactly what it meant and represented a cross section of the Fountains of Wayne audience present. Neither of which was a good thing in my eyes.
We walk into the club and I am struck by how little of it I remember other than the fact that it was MASSIVE. Then again last time I was there it was filled with strobe lights, smoke, shiny shirts and girls with over lined lips. Moment of introspection...When did I become such a snob? Moment of honesty...I've always been a snob in my own jaded sort of way...Anyway...So the place is massive so even with all the people from all the cars outside it still looks empty. The area in front of the stage is only a couple of lines of people deep and there aren't that many of them. We make a b line for the center mike. I am being polite and I don't push or shove or make any attempt to get to the very front. As a seasoned concert goer I live by the philosophy, "If I am not against the stage, I might as well be listening on my stereo in the parking lot." Well, as a seasoned vet I know my window of opportunity will come and it won't involve shoving. That's not my style. Okay maybe intimidation is my style. Intimidation in a "short but sarcastic way..." The stage was a little higher than waist height for me, meaning maybe a three or so feet give or take. SO low! SO small! SO perfect! Even standing one row back they were going to have to see us. We were pretty consistent on the FOW NJ/NY tour schedule in 2002 and 2003 so at worse we would have to look vaguely familiar, correct? So we bide our time. Apparently even being an hour or so late we hadn't missed any bands...Ugh...Ugh...Ugh...Two openers and both were bound to be awful Jersey shore crews.
Let's take this moment to look at the audience...Predictably, a residual "Stacy's Mom" crew...Lots of the 16 and under GIRL crowd. Yes my friend there were lots of little girls there for once. And then there were the record store clerks and well, the groupie shore ladies, the people who were just there to drink and hang out, the little boys 16 and under macking on the little girl crowd and the most importantly the people who only go to concerts to see national acts just so they can say that they saw them. Then again there was us, the quasi stalker types (if buying tickets to all their shows makes you a stalker)...There were a couple of very cute little girls in front of us who had bought FOW shirts and were wearing them over their other shirts...Apparently the one girl's Mom works with Adam's dad. There were a couple of "educated indie boys" with them. Those boys are going to get ditched by those girls about two minutes and forced into the only friend slot as soon as their dads find out that the star quarterback wants to take out their little girls and then well, "Okay now it's okay for my baby girl to go on a date in a car..." I feel sad for those boys. I guess I was a "educated indie girl" in my day sans quarterback. I would have like an "educated idie boy" to play with...Back to the show... On our other side were pseudo frat boys...I say pseudo because they didn't seem "cool" enough. Meaning "cool" as what a 18-21 girl might consider cool not what someone with a few more years under their belt might consider "cool." My guess was they were frosh and it seemed that they went to Rutgers...Boo hiss...they are the arch nemesis of all things SHU...(note...I saw FOW at Rutgers once because a friend of mine from SHU was a head of student activities there. Rutgers has a legendary concert budget. She knew that I loved FOW, since I stood out that way because a lot of people didn't know who they were back then, and she got me tickets (non students couldn't go to shows on the campus)...the kids on the concert committee kind of treated me like someone who had really succeeded based on my job at *** they didn't know any better, I can tell you that. Anyway, that show had horrible sound but the band appeared to have a lot of fun on stage which certainly made up for the tech problems)...
I can't remember the first opening act's name Friday but I don't think I could pronounce it correctly. The lead singer was a cross between Freddie Prinze Jr. And Jim Carey...The second act was a male Tracy Chapman one man and a guitar type who well, he had a great voice but he was a little too preachy...Don't get me started on how it makes me feel as a woman to hear a man sing about "his" right to an abortion...As in him singing from the perspective of a woman...Don't even get me started...Cause if you don't have ovaries I don't want to hear about it. Jeffrey Gains was his name I believe.
So I managed to get even closer to the stage. Belly to the beast close and well this tarted up Donna-ette starts shoving her way forward. Now her method was to throw her little tanned arm over the Rutgers guys and attempt to put her hand on the stage and wedge her shoulder in. Plus she puts her water bottle right next to Chris's pedal board. And I look at MC G and say loud enough for her to hear it, "If that water spills on the pedals he's going to be really pissed!" She was accompanied by a guido with a baseball cap, lots of gold chains and a cross. I gave her an openingly disgusted look. She was shoving into MC G and her guido was pushing her forward giving her extra heft. I looked at him and said, "Are they too much for you? Let's switch but make sure the girls on your left don't get shoved." New fans! You've got to protect them and/or educate them on concert decorum...more on that later...So I move over now I am next to Rutgers and have guido/Donna-ette pushing into my back. Mind you, there's nobody playing at this point. She lunges. I hip check. And so it goes. Then the third time her arm hits me in the head (if you want to know what button that pushed go back and read about the time I was at an Ash show at Irving Plaza)...I turn around and say, "Hi! Could you not hit me in the head please?" She kind of fell back. Then guido's feeding her lines, "Scream Stacy's Mom!!!" etc, etc, etc...And she's coughing like she has TB. But I hold our position. It was funny because earlier in the evening MC G was like, "I am thirsty. I am going to get something to drink. Do you want anything?" and I was like, "Don't go! I can't hold all this space!" and he was like, "Don't worry about it. Just spread your hips wide." HUH? I told him that he was on his own if there was no where to stand when he got back.
Anyway, the Rutgers boys were all chirbling and then I hear them say, "Well I only know that one song." You know what one song they were talking about. The song about she who shall not be named...Anyway I turn around and ask if it's the first time they've ever seen them...And they are like "yes, why..."(in a very polite way) and I am like..."Because I was curious what kind of crowd this was..."(in an equally as polite way)...And a small conversation occurs because they are asking if I know the band because they heard me and MC G talking before etc...etc...etc...And I am like, "Not really. Vaguely familiar if anything...Lots of shows...Wrote an article...etc..." They ask where I work and who I wrote if for...I am honest plus I plug the URL where the article can be found and they are all like, "Can you get us some *** shit?!?!" and I say, "Only if you keep that girl away from the stage." and they say, "Oh we've already body blocked her." and they kept their word the rest of the show. I never got hit in the head. I would have gotten their address but they disappeared too quickly...Anyway...MC G did point out that though the girl was super obnoxious she did know all the songs not just the one about she who shall not be named...I give her credit for that, but she's got to work on her manners.
So they came on about 11:05 PM at that point I was smack dab right in front of the center mike with my hand on the monitor. As an after thought I had written on a small piece of paper...Okay it was the inside of the cardboard sleeve of the sampler that the first act was handing out...I know I should have kept the CD since they paid for it, but I had no intention of taking it home. I've got enough CD's as ist... Anyway I wrote "I Know You Well" or "These Days" PLEASE! I don't like to shout at bands. I figured a note would be more effective...The request was an old one of mine and the first song was the song I almost got Chris to play when they did an in house performance at *** when he started playing the first couple of chords until Adam overrode him...another show another story...but after that show I did have a brief conversation with Chris during which he smiled AND laughed...which he rarely seems to do on stage...Sigh...So the audio was awful there were all sorts of problems...they commented on the "house of horrors" on the stage...I was waiting for my window of opportunity to show him my little note.The audience wasn't really hyped up. The little girls may have shown up but they didn't buy the album or if they did they didn't listen to the album or any of the other albums because they didn't know any of the songs. Not a word. Plus there were a lot of shy girls who didn't move much just kind of stared. The Rutgers boys were obsessed with getting picks and strings, etc...mind you they only knew one song! Those kind of people annoy me. They spend the whole show obsessing about getting autographs and pieces of the band all the while not LISTENING to the music. They were going on and on about how they wanted "that guy's" cigarette butt (meaning Jody)...very sad...
It was a very, very, very shaky beginning. Everyone looked pissed. Nothing was working...We were prepared for a very, very, very short set. What a way to end a season huh? But some how things picked up. I have to think that MC G and I helped to some extent by being so enthused. I was singing along (I don't sing loud. That would be gauche.) I knew all the words of course. I smiled encouragingly...MC G saw Adam do a double take...I caught Adam staring directly at us...whatever...he looked away when I looked directly at him. When Chris sings he usually looks kind of downward. I was in his line of sight so either I was annoying or amusing him who can tell. My hand was on the monitor...I have to say here that my wedding rings looked stunning in those lights. I get very easily distracted by my wedding rings. They remind me of so many happy things... Jody was lunging at us (I think he was trying to scare the little girl next to us with his best Keith Richards impression) one point Chris bends down to adjust a pedal and I show him my note and he smiles and says, "Maybe later!" and in my head I am like, "YAHOO" and I then think, "He must think I'm such a dork." And why would I care? Most likely because I think these guys are very talented and very smart and who would want someone very talented and very smart who you admire, well who would want someone like that to think you are a dork? So things only got better...they picked up...And broke out the old cover section that they do during "Radiation Vibe"...mind you all the people around the bar really perked up and turned to face the stage when they started playing Steve Miller and ZZ Top. Then they promptly turned around when the little interlude was over...The majority of the audience just looked confused when the cover thing happened...It must have been really hard for the band up there...When they did the audience participation thing during "Sink to the Bottom" it was scary sad...Kind of like the time they did it at the EMP on VH1...where you are holding your breath hoping the audience gets it...I hope we helped...We saw the set list before hand and it's funny how things change...I remember so many shows where we heard basically every song they'd ever released but now with three albums out that's impossible. Now the songs I want to hear are songs that have never been released and regardless of what they say in interviews they don't really respond well to requests. They played "I Want an Alien for Christmas" which I'd never heard live having never seen them close to Christmas. Adam said, "We have a Christmas song to sing which unfortunately is named "I Want..." I kind of thought that was rude. I mean they wrote the damn thing right? Why insult it? The crowd perked up for the song about she who shall not be named. I didn't sing in along in protest. I just smirked because secretly I know how smart it was to release that song, but in my heart of hearts I also know that they can't love that song as much as they might love some of their others. I can be such a pain in ass sometimes. I know...
Oh, a couple of random observations...Chris came out with his wedding band on and it mysteriously disappeared. I don't think it was him being shady I think it may have been because he switched guitars and it was probably uncomfortable to play with it...But what do I know...Secondly he probably thought that I was checking him out...Because I was almost eye level with his...Well you get the picture...Ugh which was embarassing for me...His hair is getting longer and wasn't Billy Idol blonde anymore. YAY...Brian looked a little puffy...Adam seems to have evened out (no longer scrawny no longer puffy and seemed to have a healthy glow) and Jody actually wore a different pair of shoes and socks then he had the last three times I saw them live (what a relief)...uncomfortable was seeing Chris's bum when his jeans slid down as he picked up drinks, guitars, etc...
Okay then. So I don't think Chris or Adam threw us any of those annoyed glances we've seen before. Happy were we. The show ended up being very peppy and they appeared to have been all, "Fuck it let's just have fun with it." and kind of blew the doors off the place.
Encore...The kids were lunging for the set list and I reprimanded them. I said, "They're coming back on. You have to leave it until they finish." When I told Gilly this he said, "Oh, they won't know what to play!" and I was like "Forget you buster...that set list is a plan of action!" :) So they come out and I am hoping for my song...And Chris says, "I'd like to dedicate this song to the nice lady in the front with the homemade t-shirt on." YAYYYYYYYY....Okay the Lady thing was a bit off putting...But he dedicated a song to me! Note to My Little Fountains of Wayne Friend: I hope that doesn't make me the "one lady dancing." It was a first...I've never had a band that I loved dedicate anything to me let alone a song...they then kicked into "Leave the Biker" (which was not on their proposed encore list)...YIPPIE!!! Okay, admittedly it's bitter sweet. It was a song dedication yes, the song I requested no...Note to self...The trick is to wear my requests on my chest...proceed...So they did the encore...And they left and all the kids are lunging again and this beefy guido is lunging for the last pick on the mike stand and I'm like excuse you... I say, "FYI...they're coming back on again." And he's like, "Well PAR DON me." What a jerk. Mind you this guy was not a fan. Why did he want a pick? Why do people do that? Why why why? P.S. I got hit by Chris sweat during "Leave the Biker." I didn't try to preserve it for future use!...They did a last encore ending with "Go Hippee" pretty typical. It gives them the opportunity to leave the stage one by one.
The End.
Or is it? MC G had to go to the bathroom (which was right by the green room)...on his way he spots posters and hands them to me. I am not nor will I ever be a groupie so I am standing there trying not to look like one. I call Heather P. who God love her I had called between each act and she told me, "Call me immediately afterwards and tell me what happens!!!" So I told her and she's hysterical laughing and I have to hope that she thought it was as cool as I did because she's one of my only friends who would understand. So then MC G comes back and I'm like, "Should I wait and see if Chris comes out?" and he's like, "If you want to see what happens." and I am thinking well it's kind of dorky but it would be nice to kind of have a last word, etc...There were all these little girls milling around. How funny right? No sexy teenagers, no hot co-eds, little girls...honestly from the conversations I had before the show none of the kids knew what FOW looked like! None of them. Not a clue. It's that video trick of not actually really showing who they are. I am sure that the girls were surprised when they saw them on the stage. I of course think that all the members of the band are adorable, but then again I am no more than eight years younger than any of them so it's easier for me to feel that way. So the little girls are standing there with posters...little girls and a mom groupie getting a BALLOON autographed...odd...So Adam breezes out and I say hello and he says Chris is coming out...mind you Adam doesn't even acknowledge the fact that I interviewed him...wrote a great article about the band etc...I don't get it...But maybe it's better that I don't. The man is very talented very very talented, but I don't I think I could ever comfortably hang out with unless he respected me because he thought I had done something which was super cool or something like that. Or maybe he's so mellow that it trips me up...Anyway, the little girls (so cute! I am keeping my fingers crossed that they stick) and I mean between the ages of 11-13 little girls are standing there. And I say, "Oh you're getting autographs! You need to get everyone right?" and they were all nervous and worried and one says to me, "I got two but I don't know who's they are." and I say, "Ohhhh, well that one is Jody's and that one is Adam's and now you need Brian's and Chris's and the keyboardist for good measure." And she's all "Thanks!" So Brian's standing there talking to someone and I say, "Do you want me to help you?" and the little girls are like, "Yes please." So I say, "Hi Brian could you sign their posters?" and he's like, "Sure!" with a very friendly smile. And I think it's great that he was so nice to them because he could have been all rockstar stuck up...So then I say, "So do you know the other band Brian was in?" And they're all, "Noooooo." and I say, "Oh, he was in the should buy their albums..." Tee hee... and they ask me if I need anything autographed and I'm like, "No they dedicated a song to me, but thanks!" and they're like, "Ohhhhh, that was you!"...So we're waiting for Chris and he finally comes out.
I wait patiently and while he signs a few things and then I step through the circle and this is what happens...
"Thank you very much for the dedication! While I appreciate it, I still can't seem to get you to sing the songs I request..." ME
"Well, that one song is Jackson Browne song you know (meaning These Days)..." HIM
And I'm like, "I know but I'd love to hear you sing I Know You Well..."
And he's like, "I really like that shirt. Where did you get it?"
And I'm like, "I made it myself." "You did? That's pretty good. It looks professional. How did you do it?" HIM
"Iron ons." ME
"Really? It looks really good. Are you a graphic designer?" HIM
"No. I buy them at the store. Cut them out and iron them on." ME laughing
"So are you finally going home soon?" ME
"Yeah in a couple of days." HIM
"Oh, well if you see INSERT My Little Fountains of Wayne Friend's (LFOW Friend) Real Name would you tell him INSERT MY REAL NAME said hello?" ME
"Yeah, LFOW Friend is having a Holiday party." HIM
"Yeah he told me he invited you but you hadn't RSVP'd yet." ME
"Well I don't think I am going to make it. I think I am going to see Thomas." HIM <- later figured out he meant St. Thomas (to tape the Mexican Wine video)
"Oh well say hello to LFOW Friend for me and thanks again!" ME
"Yeah, sorry about the song!" HIM
"That's okay there's always next time!" ME
Okay, I am all sugary, gooey happy thinking about it. MC G says that from his observations the conversation was mutual not forced. Heather P. just screamed into the phone when I told her.
The best show to date of sorts. What else could I ask for? Okay maybe I was hoping...okay I really hoped he'd say, "Come on back and I'll sing it for you." But alas alack that did not happen.
I've broken through the wall.
P.S.I have hatched a final thank you plan. I will reveal when it has been executed.
Going to spread the joy now! Lots of, "Guess who had a song dedicated to them? Not just played a song that I requested but an actual dedication?"

Sunday, December 07, 2003

Sunday, December 07, 2003
If I take you from behindPush myself into your mindWhen you least expect itWill you try and reject it?-Madonna "Erotica"
Okay, this weekend was neither restful nor relaxing but it was productive. I have to be thankful for that plus the opportunity to look forward to two major opportunities to get smashed next week and a Fountains of Wayne show on Friday night. Well, to be honest, I have no intention on getting smashed given the fact that my current medication makes me want to projectile vomit at the mere hint of alcohol. Though short of the Hustler Holiday Party our Holiday Party must be at the top of the list for debauchery. It's in a massive place. I mean I've seen HUGE concerts in the venue. In fact it's one of the larger venues in the city. There's drug and sex and inappropriate behavior galore. However, this will also be my SEVENTH and ever since the dot com boom busted they've gotten progressively tamer in my eyes.
First of all my first departmental party was held at Lips. Which is a restaurant in the city where all the waitresses are transexuals/cross dressers. And everyone got blitzed. That was the warm up for the big show. 
My first company party was like stepping into the Christmas party in the movie "Less Than Zero" it looked startling similar. Plus there were live penguins in the mezzanine. I kid you not. I left that one after 4 AM in the morning and made it to work by 9 AM the next morning. Yes I was completely different girl back then (plus I got totally knackered). I was severely sexually harassed by someone I worked with and he used the the phrase, "You're the one with the tits and the pussy..." If that happened now, he'd have gotten smacked and human resource charged up the arse. But I was a wide eyed girl straight out of college who still believed the hype back then. My favorite moment was sitting at a table in the mezzanine overlooking the dwindling crowd (though the party is rumored to go until at least 6 AM) and my friend looks at me (he wasn't jaded and embittered at that point)...well he looks at me as says, "Did you ever think you'd be sitting at the *** Christmas Party @ 4 in the morning?" and I looked at him and said, "Of course." Yup, I was a different girl. A couple of years later we'd sit at a similar table on the lower level and he would tell me about a girl breaking his heart. And I would tell him he was too good for her and that he needed to walk away. Somehow I was a similar girl then as well.
So I am way too tired to warble on so I've decided to poach some of my old material circa a letter to the editor which was published in the Bangor Daily News... I have no idea what year maybe the very early nineties... I found it in an old year book...
"As Nasty As They Wanna Be"
I would like to put my two cents in about the censoring of the 2 Live Crew album, "As Nasty As They Wanna Be." The government has no right to ban the album. Florida officials have led their crusade with shouts of obscenity, but who has the right to judge what is obscene? To me, the answer is perfectly clear. I, the consumer, have that right and no judge or government official has the right to take away any consumer's freedom of choice.
Rappers have brought up the question, is this another attack on the black man? Many people say no, but what is the real evidence? Andrew Dice Clay's performance are sexually discriminatory, obscene and racist. He also has an album. Is it being censored? The Ku Klux Klan has pamphlets and books promoting racial violence. Are they being banned? Skinheads have even gone further than the KKK and have TV shows and radio broadcasts in addition to literature. Have they been censored? What about pornography and sex in films? Have these been banned? 2 Live Crew has been accused of corrupting the youth, yet doesn't the youth have access to more dangerous things?
Florida officials have bigger things to worry about than one album and one rap group which from all this publicity has become rich.
My full name with middle initial here.
If that isn't funny enough, here's a response which was sent to the Bangor Daily News.
2 Live Crew album is truly obscene
In response to My full name with middle initial here...of insert my town...(Readers Write, July 2); I would like to inform readers of the content of the 2 Live Crew album, "As Nasty As They Wanna Be." The following is a list of obscene material contained in the album. This information was broadcast on "Focus on the Family" to inform listeners of the album's content:
226 uses of the slang word for copulation
117 explicit terms for male and female genitalia
87 descriptions of oral sex
163 uses of the vulgar word for excrement
42 uses of the word for a backside of a person.
That is only half of the list and it goes on down from there. Some of it can't be described in the terms just given. This is an album that kids are buying. This is more than a racial issue or the consumer's freedom of choice.
This album is legally obscene.
Insert author's name and town
If I recall correctly, you could still buy such albums if you were under the age of 18 at the time. Then Tipper got all riled up (I wrote several papers about that business) and a year or two later, my brother had to buy me the video single for Madonna's "Justify My Love" video because I couldn't. I was enraged. And to think the video didn't show anything explicit unless you consider a same sex kiss vulgar/explicit. A couple of years after that, my mom had to buy me Madonna's "Sex" book because I wasn't 18 then and it was considered pornography, though I could have bought an Ansel Adams book without any help at all. I am very different girl now and thankfully to some extent, it's a very different world.I need to go to bed
.posted by Little Squaw on 10:34 PM