Fountains of Wayne Memories/Shows

Misc. commentary regarding Fountains of Wayne as collected on the blog Little Squaw. I talk about them a lot. In all fairness, Gilly should have his own blog as well.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Dammit dammit and double dammit. I just lost a whole freakin post.
 UGH...recap blah blah blah, bus diversion to Hoboken...blah blah blah the price of tea in China.I am trying again...bus got benefit being I got to see another view of the NYC skyline which always puts things into perspective.
The problem with a long bus ride is that I have all these fabulous ideas swirling around in my head but by the time I get home, make dinner, calm the monkeys, investigate what Gilly's day was like, do some misc. shuffling, well the great ideas are pretty mangled by then. So instead you get this. Or something like it.


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